Bogus hate crimes:
By date
By category
By issue
By name
Perpetrated to support:
Anti-Semitic agenda
Anti-Trump agenda
Gay agenda
Feminist agenda
Islamic agenda
Liberal agenda
Personal agendas
Racial agendas
Bogus hate crimes to support anti-Semitic agenda
Bogus hate crimes to support anti-Trump agenda
The CBS reporter from Bizarro World
January 3, 2017
Muslim romance in the land of Trump
December 1, 2016
Black Villanova student NOT attacked by white Trump supporters
November 10, 2016
Muslim student attacked by man in Trump hat
November 9, 2016
Delaware gas station attack
November 9, 2016
The black Nazi racist in Philadelphia
November 9, 2016
Hopewell Baptist Church burning
November 1, 2016
North Carolina woman punched in face by Trump supporter
September 12, 2016
Christmas Day mosque fire in Houston
December 25, 2015
Bogus hate crimes to support the gay agenda
The infinite branding of a gay Tarheel
April 4, 2011
Who peed on the gay books?
November 24, 2010
Tyler Clementi’s suicide
September 19, 2010
Andrew Anthos’ death
February 16, 2007
A tale of two lesbians
November 28, 2006
Matthew Shephard’s murder
October 7, 1998
Miranda Prather and the Fist of God
July 21, 1997
Bogus hate crimes to support the feminist agenda
Duke lacrosse team rape case
March 13, 2006
Kerri Dunn and her vandalized car
March 9, 2004
Bogus hate crimes to support the Islamic agenda
The Muslim who wanted Coke Zero
May 29, 2015
Who torched the mosque in Marietta, Georgia?
July 5, 2010
Coded Virginia license plate
April 21, 2010
Elmhurst College student attacked by Nazis
October 9, 2008
Flying imams of Minneapolis
November 20, 2006
Who burnt the meat?
August 6, 2004
“Die, Muslim, die!”
September 13, 2001
Bogus hate crimes to support the liberal agenda
The firebombing of Russ Carnahan’s office
August 17, 2010
Randi Rhodes has some teeth knocked out
October 14, 2007
Bogus hate crimes to support Obamacare
Rep. Tom Perriello’s brother’s gas line
March 23, 2010
Coffin left on Rep. Russ Carnahan’s front lawn
March 21, 2010
Barney Frank called a faggot
March 20, 2010
Racial epithets shouted at black congressmen
March 20, 2010
Windows smashed at Democrat Party headquarters in Denver
August 25, 2009
Bogus hate crimes to support a personal agenda
The Nutty Muslim Professor
March 8, 2017
Muslim romance in the land of Trump
December 1, 2016
Hopewell Baptist Church burning
November 1, 2016
The Baptist minister who was never a Boy Scout
March 15, 2013
Save your marriage with a hate crime
November 4, 2011
Two lesbians and their dog poop
October 28, 2011
Patti LaBelle: Witch of Narnia
March 11, 2011
Pretty girl at Starbucks
August 30, 2010
Shoot the white people
August 3, 2010
Census worker hangs himself in Kentucky
September 12, 2009
Anti-Semitic vandalism in Baltimore
October 5, 2008
Swastika on Sarah Marshak’s dorm door
October 23, 2007
Burning Man
July 1, 2006
The Penn State football player who needed money
June 5, 2006
Racial slurs on a burned house in Houston
October 11, 2005
Alicia Hardin takes a gun to chapel
April 21, 2005
Continental Spices Cash & Carry
July 9, 2004
“Dead Black Man’s Brains”
March 28, 2000
Bogus hate crimes to support racial agendas
Kool Kids Klan KKK
January 9, 2017
Berkeley High KKK
November 4, 2015
“They shot that boy for no reason!”
May 4, 2015
Otis Byrd found hanging in Mississippi woods
March 19, 2015
Austin “Exclusively for White People” stickers
March 18, 2015
Hallmark’s racist graduation card
June 2, 2010
Racial epithets shouted at black congressmen
March 20, 2010
Noose found hanging in library at University of California San Diego
February 25, 2010
Henry Louis Gates arrested
July 16, 2009
The Facebook friends of Colten Brodoux
November 5, 2008
Noose at Columbia Teachers College
October 9, 2007
Anoka cross burning
September 26, 2007
Duke lacrosse team rape case
March 13, 2006
Watermelon and “BLACK BITCHES”
September 8, 2003
Racist graffiti on dormitory doors of two black students at University of Mississippi
November 6, 2002
“KKK” carved into Camille Fulton’s chest
August 2001
Tawana Brawley rape hoax
November 28, 1987
Tiger Woods’ first day of kindergarten
September 1981
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The Nutty Muslim Professor
4/23/17 - And how long...
4/23/17 - Gee, what a surprise...
The CBS reporter from Bizarro World
1/8/17 - This is why...
Who torched the mosque in Marietta, Georgia?
10/20/16 - Tamsir Mendy...
Miranda Prather and the Fist of God
9/13/15 - Playing the victim...
9/4/12 - Is Miranda Prather...
Morton Downey's swastika
8/21/15 - Morton Downey was a...
7/29/14 - Pay no attention...
6/11/15 - Just ran into...
4/6/15 - Hi, My name is...
The firebombing of Russ Carnahan's office
12/20/13 - The Carnahan family...
Coded Virginia license plate
11/5/13 - You need to...
Flying imams of Minneapolis
8/22/12 - i am sorry but...
Kerri Dunn and her vandalized car
6/16/12 - If lesbians are...
4/23/17 - And how long...
4/23/17 - Gee, what a surprise...
The CBS reporter from Bizarro World
1/8/17 - This is why...
Who torched the mosque in Marietta, Georgia?
10/20/16 - Tamsir Mendy...
Miranda Prather and the Fist of God
9/13/15 - Playing the victim...
9/4/12 - Is Miranda Prather...
Morton Downey's swastika
8/21/15 - Morton Downey was a...
7/29/14 - Pay no attention...
6/11/15 - Just ran into...
4/6/15 - Hi, My name is...
The firebombing of Russ Carnahan's office
12/20/13 - The Carnahan family...
Coded Virginia license plate
11/5/13 - You need to...
Flying imams of Minneapolis
8/22/12 - i am sorry but...
Kerri Dunn and her vandalized car
6/16/12 - If lesbians are...
More begging
- Seriously, contributions are really appreciated.
J.P. elsewhere
Bogus Hate Crimes
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