Two lesbians and their dog poop
October 28, 2011

That’s a whole lot of dog with nowhere to go.
Here’s how condominium property rights work: everything beyond the walls of your home is owned by everyone. So you don’t really have a private yard in which your dogs can do their business. Even if your Great Dane takes one measly step out the door and drops his bread-loaf-sized turd practically on your doorstep, he still pooped on property owned by your neighbors.
Aimee and Christel apparently didn’t understand this because it didn’t take long before their neighbors were complaining to the condo association that the gals were not picking up their dog feces. Christel poo-pooed the charges (so to speak), explaining, “It’s ridiculous. We have a Mastiff and a Great Dane, two of the largest breed dogs. If we didn’t pick up after them this entire place would be covered.”
Basically, she was saying, “Our dogs produce so much crap, the dog poop suddenly all over the place since we moved in couldn’t possibly be our fault.” To repeat, not the sharpest blades in the knife drawer.
Instead of reconsidering the appropriateness of keeping three large dogs in a condo, or committing themselves to being more thorough about picking up their dogs’ business, the two decided to do what so many liberals do when they are caught behaving badly: they decided to fake a hate crime and call their neighbors bigots.
On Friday, October 28, 2011, the two lesbians spray painted “KILL THE GAYS” on their garage door in bright red paint. Then the next morning they laid a noose on their front door welcome mat. That’s when they knew their lives really were at risk, says Aimee.
Yeah, that’s when she knew. The way these hate crime hoaxers play the role of victim is enough to make you puke, isn’t it?
So off they went to complain to the condo association about their homophobic neighbors and theatrically act as victims to any journalist who might be interested in peddling the story.
You know how this ends. Because you know condo dwellers generally don’t care what two dim-witted women might be doing to each other in the privacy of their home but they generally do care, very much, about Great Dane-sized dog poop lying around in their communal yard. In May of 2012 the two lesbians were both charged with two counts of criminal mischief and two counts of false reporting; and a month later they pleaded guilty to faking a hate crime.
This bogus hate crime was nothing but a steaming pile of...
11/1/11 - Unfinished Lives - Lives of Colorado Lesbian Couple Threatened in Hate Crime
11/1/11 - Advocate - Colorado Lesbian Couple Victims of Hate Crime
11/1/11 - Towleroad - Lesbian Couple Finds “Kill the Gay” Scrawled on Garage, Noose on Doorstep: VIDEO
5/18/12 - Fox News - Lesbian couple accused of faking hate crime at Colorado home
5/19/12 - Yahoo News - Lesbian Couple Charged With Staging Hate Crime
5/20/12 - Breitbart - Colorado Lesbians Face Charges For Faking Hate Crime
6/29/12 - KDVR Fox - Lesbian couple pleads guilty to faking hate crime
Posted from Rockford, Michigan, USA
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