Who torched the mosque in Marietta, Georgia?
July 5, 2010

These incidents always have a few things in common: number one, the property is a rundown piece of crap obviously ripe for an insurance scam; number two, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) belches out a press release within minutes of the incident labeling it a hate crime against Muslims and calling on the FBI to investigate; number three, the most gullible members of the local Jewish and Christian communities prostrate themselves with public apology and shame; and number four, the idiotic Muslim who committed the offense is caught and confesses within a day or two.
On Monday, July 5, 2010, after a weekend of watching America celebrate its independence and freedom, the bitter, freedom-hating Muslims of the Islamic Center of Marietta in Georgia had apparently had enough, and one of them set the mosque on fire. As you can see from the following picture, the mosque wasn’t much of a place—merely a rundown old house, undoubtedly worth more as insurance proceeds than as an operating mosque. See item number one above.

Also on July 6, the Atlanta Jewish News announced, “Three major Jewish organizations stepped up to the media in a pro-active offering of sympathy and support...” Three major groups of gullible morons would be more accurate. See item number three above.
On Wednesday, July 7, Tamsir Mendy, an illegal immigrant from Gambia and ardent Muslim worshipper at the mosque which burned, was arrested for the arson. See item number four above.
Most people, I suspect, would be surprised to learn that even though crimes like this one turn out not to be hate crimes at all, they will remain on the CAIR and FBI statistical lists as hate crimes against Muslims. So as long as the Gambian stooge keeps his mouth shut, the Islamic Center of Marietta will get its insurance proceeds to build a new mosque and CAIR will have another bogus hate crime to pad its statistical database and thereby further its propaganda goals.
Thus goes the 21st Century religious war: another victory for the bad guys.
7/6/10 - Atlanta Jewish News - Islamic Center of Marietta set aflame, Jewish community takes a stand
7/6/10 - CAIR - FBI Asked to Probe Arson at Georgia Mosque
7/6/10 - WXIA-TV Atlanta - Is Suspicious Marietta Mosque Fire A Hate Crime?
7/7/10 - Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Group asks FBI to probe suspected arson at Marietta mosque
7/8/10 - Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Suspect in mosque arson could be in country illegally
7/8/10 - WTLV NBC - Man Charged With Setting Fire at Georgia Mosque
7/8/10 - DebbieSchlussel.com - Another Muslim “Hate Crime” Hoax—Who CAIRs?
7/8/10 - Jihad Watch - Hamas-linked CAIR trumpets another “anti-Muslim hate crime” that was faked by a Muslim
1/24/12 - Marietta Patch - Mosque Arsonist Sentenced to 10 Years
Posted from Reno, Nevada, USA
October 20, 2016 - Tamsir Mendy of Gambia was sentenced in 2012 after pleading guilty to 20 years, with ten to serve in prison; however just two years after his sentencing his Facebook page shows him running around Marietta and Smyrna, Georgia and posting photos of himself handling a large, military type knife. Posts on his page indicate his friends are trying to talk him into or out of “something.” This is disturbing on many levels. He’s free. The DA or someone made some kind of mistake... if this had been prosecuted as a federal crime, he’d still be in prison. They went easy on him, and now he’s free. - Sophie, Georgia
J.P. replies: The U.S. judicial system makes no sense. Hate crimes, basically thought crimes, are treated as heinous but faking a hate crime, which infuses society with fear and distrust, isn’t considered a crime at all.