About me

I have two daughters, three step-daughters, and a son, all grown, and many grandchildren... approximately (I’ve completely lost count).
I started BogusHateCrimes.com and JPAttitude.com in Reno but currently reside in Grand Rapids, Michigan, my home town (actually in Rockford, a suburb of Grand Rapids). I love my family but I miss Reno and the West. Arriving in Nevada was kind of scary for a Michigander because we’re used to lots of green and lots of trees and lots of water. Nevada is pretty much the opposite of that. Nevertheless, I fell in love with the place.
I’m 6'1" tall, still think I have dark hair although the ever-increasing grey is crapping all over that fantasy, and have been told that I’m good looking (thanks, Mom) but never smart... without the word “ass” being added as a qualifier.
Favorite sports: football, beach volleyball, basketball, golf, and Ultimate Frisbee (hey, I played it once thirty years ago and really enjoyed myself).
Favorite leisure activity: sailing. Hobie 14, Hobie 16, Bic sailboard, Chrysler 22, Islander 37—that’s my history with sailboats in chronological order. Someday, to this list will be added a certain wooden Sparkman & Stephens 40-foot ketch currently rotting on the hard in Muskegon, Michigan... or, should I happen to win the lottery, a Gunboat 68.
Favorite internet activity: correcting liberal stupidity.
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