Pretty girl at Starbucks
August 30, 2010

Okay, she didn’t actually say that, appropriate as it might have been.
Bethany told police she stopped at a Starbucks to buy a cup of coffee when a BLACK woman threw acid in her face. “Hey, pretty little girl, want to take a drink of this?” asked the BLACK woman and then threw the acid in Bethany’s face.
Naturally it was a black woman, not a white woman or a Ninja or a giant walking goldfish in a tuxedo. One thing these creepy bogus hate crime perpetrators are good at is stoking the flames of ethnic division and nourishing the world’s racial paranoia.
Anyway, back to our “victim.” She had serious burns everywhere except her eyes... because luckily she had just minutes earlier bought sunglasses. Luckily.
Apparently, even the most stalwart phony can’t muster enough gumption to blind herself.
Squeamishness about blinding herself aside, Bethany may have set the Bogus Hate Crime World Record for most egregious self-inflicted harm. The girl did serious damage to herself, as you can see in these before and after pictures:

The people of Vancouver, being normal, generous, sympathetic Americans, took up collections and held fundraisers to pay for Bethany’s surgery, and generally showered her with love and apologies... until September 16, when she admitted to suspicious police investigators that her acid burns were self-inflicted.
God alone knows why she did it. Or cares why. Time to hop on a flying monkey and leave Vancouver, Bethany. Your popularity has suddenly waned.
Once again a phony-baloney hate crime victim nudges the racial divide a smidgeon wider, taints the natural goodness of normal people with traces of cynicism, and leaves a putrid stench across the landscape.
9/1/10 - Seattle Weekly - Bethany Storro Gets Acid Thrown in Her Face by Unknown Woman
9/2/10 - Daily Mail - ‘Hey pretty girl’: Woman severely burned after acid-like liquid thrown into her face tells of horror attack by total stranger
9/3/10 - AOL News - Acid Attack Victim Could Hear Her Skin 'Sizzling'
9/7/10 - CBS News - Acid Attack Victim Released From Hospital, Fundraisers to be Held
9/16/10 - KATU News - Vancouver Police: Acid attack was self-inflicted
9/16/10 - The Columbian - Acid ‘victim’ admits injuring herself
9/17/10 - Daily Mail - It was a HOAX: Acid attack victim who gained world's sympathy after horrific attack admits her injuries were ‘self-inflicted’
Posted from Reno, Nevada, USA