North Carolina woman punched in face by Trump supporter
September 12, 2016

And because most of the altercations were so dagnabbed lame. Like they were invented by idiots. Which certainly suggests the involvement of Democrats.
What’s unique about the altercation that happened on September 12, 2016, in Asheville, North Carolina, is that thanks to Project Veritas we have proof that this particular bogus hate crime “victim” was actually a Democrat Party activist being paid to “bird dog.” Bird dogging, for anyone without a background in dirty Democrat politics, is a tactic employed by sleazeballs from the filthy underbelly of American politics to create an incident, usually involving someone who is disabled in some way or elderly so the subsequent outrage and media frenzy will be maximized.
The operative in this case was a 69-year-old woman named Shirley Teter, who says she was peacefully protesting at the Trump rally when a Trump supporter, for no reason whatsoever, turned around and “cold cocked” her.
For about a month Shirley played the victim with all the relish of an old, never-been actor who finally got a role on Broadway. Except there were problems.
Number one, she had remarkably little damage for a 69-year-old woman who was “cold cocked”—and “remarkably little” here means “none that anybody could see.”
Number two, her supposed assailant was poorly chosen, being a man even older and more infirm than herself. Richard Campbell is 73 years old and legally blind from cataracts. He was being led from the rally by his wife because he can’t see a doggone thing. Even if he wanted to “turn around and cold cock” someone, it would be like a blindfolded kid trying to hit the pinata at his birthday party, ya know?
Number three, someone had their cell phone taking a video at the time and the video shows Shirley, far from protesting innocently and peacefully, following Mr. Campbell like a... well, like a bird dog. And reaching for his right arm just as she goes out of the picture. Immediately after, we hear Shirley screeching like a banshee, apparently playing the victim for all she was worth... which, let’s just be blunt and say it, isn’t much.
Number four, about a month after the make-believe incident, Project Veritas caught Democrat Party consultants admitting on camera that Shirley Teter was their paid operative.
Local ABC affiliate WLOS went back to re-interview Shirley in light of the Project Veritas revelations and suddenly she wasn’t so sure she was assaulted by Mr. Campbell. Funny how that happens. She backtracked from her original, “You better arrest that son of a bitch!” to maybe he just touched me accidentally when he turned, or something like that.
Shirley Teter vehemently denies being a paid troublemaker for the Democrat Party but it’s awfully suspicious how quickly she back peddled after the Project Veritas video came out.
Cockroaches always scurry for cover when you expose them to the light.
9/13/16 - WLOS ABC - 69-year-old woman punched in face by Trump supporter outside NC rally
9/14/16 - Breitbart - Man Accused of Assaulting Trump Protester Says She “Made Up the Whole Thing”
9/14/16 - Facebook video - Facebook Video of Asheville Altercation
10/17/16 - Breitbart - O’Keefe Video Sting Exposes “Bird-Dogging—Democrats’ Effort to Incite Violence at Trump Rallies
10/17/16 - Project Veritas - Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies
10/19/16 - WLOS ABC - Undercover video claims Asheville woman punched at Trump rally was planted by DNC
10/20/16 - Breitbart - Woman Backtracks on Assault Claim After O’Keefe Video
10/21/16 - Lady Liberty - The Name Shirley Teter Should Be On Every NC Media Site. It’s Not.
Posted from Rockford, Michigan, USA