The Baptist minister who was never a Boy Scout
March 15, 2013

And second of all, we know he was never a Boy Scout because he’s lousy at starting fires, which is something they accentuate in the Boy Scouts.
In the wee morning hours of March 15, 2013, Olander spray painted “nigger” on two sides of his house, then set his car on fire, and then started another fire on his porch to burn his house down. Then he went back to bed, clever man, so it would look like he had no idea.
Olander had financial troubles, you see—so much for the Scout law about being thrifty—and thought he could get out from under his mortgage and car payments in a blaze of hate-crime-victim glory which—who knows?—might even inspire people to send him money out of sympathy and (white) guilt.
Trouble is, the fire he started under the car was so pathetic it pretty much flickered out on its own and the fire he started on the porch was so weak his son woke up and put it out with ease. Obviously, Olander was never a Boy Scout.
The police were not much fooled and within a couple weeks Olander was arrested for his bogus hate crime, eventually being found guilty and sentenced to two years in prison. And then the FBI charged him with lying to federal officials and he was sentenced to another six months for that.
Good. He deserves every minute.
But we suspect Olander has larger problems ahead of him. See, he was the minister of music at a Baptist church and when you pretend to be a minister of God while actually trying to spread hatred, division, and fear among God’s people... well, that’s bound to lead to an awkward conversation with Saint Peter at the pearly gates.
4/4/13 - Gateway Pundit - Virginia Minister Arrested for Fake Hate Crime - Painted Racial Slur on House Then Torched It
11/2/13 - Mediaite YouTube - 'Vote Trump' painted on black church set ablaze in Mississippi
11/2/13 - The Blaze - This Minister Painted Racist Graffiti on His House. Then Lit it on Fire. It Was All an Attempt to Fake a Hate Crime. Now He�s Been Sentenced.
11/23/13 - Huffington Post - Minister Set Fire To Own Home, Then Lied To FBI About Staged Hate Crime: Prosecutors
11/26/13 - Tickle The Wire - Ex-Minister Gets Six Months in Prison for Lying to FBI About Hate Crime in Virginia
Posted from Rockford, Michigan, USA
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