Muslim student attacked by man in Trump hat
November 9, 2016

She was very specific. Two white men in a gray four-door sedan stopped, jumped out of their car, and hit her with a metal object, knocking her to the ground. Then they tore off her hijab, took her wallet, and hit her again before saying some “ugly stuff” to her—“racial obscenities.” (Sigh. When are these dumbass liberals going to get it through their thick skulls that Islam is not a race?)
She knows they were Trump supporters because one of them wore a white hat that said “Trump” on it.
2016 was full of bogus hate crimes blamed on Trump supporters even before Election Day but the number and variety reached a crescendo after Trump actually won the election. That’s when lefties tend to expose their true, spiteful, hate-filled selves—after they lose an election. It’s ugly. As far as we have been able to ascertain, not one of these hate crimes has been proven to have actually happened and the vast majority have been proven false by their perpetrators actually confessing.
Which is what happened in this case. We don’t know this nasty little bitch’s name, unfortunately, so we can’t heap shame upon her reputation as she deserves, but before most of the media could even report the crime she had already confessed to Lafayette police that she invented the whole incident.
Even more startling than the university not releasing her name, she ended up facing police charges for her false claim and even the police refused to release her name. This is a new phenomenon—arising for the first time with the slew of phony Trump hate crimes in 2016—this organized official coverup by universities and municipalities to avoid exposing hate crime hoaxers to the public condemnation and shame they so richly deserve.
Don’t bother straining to comprehend what sort of person would do this, try to taint the election of an American president in such a petty, vicious, evil manner. As Obi-Wan Kenobi would say, best not to think about the dark side of the Force.
11/10/16 - Times-Picayune - Woman in hijab attacked at UL-Lafayette by man in Trump hat
11/10/16 - CBSDFW - Muslim Student Lied About Hate Crime By Man In “Trump Hat”
11/10/16 - Fox News - Muslim student made up report of assault, robbery by man wearing 'Trump' hat, police say
11/11/16 - Breitbart - Muslim Student Charged for Trump Hate Crime Hoax
Posted from Rockford, Michigan, USA
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