Berkeley High KKK
November 4, 2015

That would make Berkeley, California, a little leftwing enclave of liberal insanity on the other side of the bay from San Francisco, the hemorrhoid—still metaphorically speaking, of course—and the University of California at Berkeley and Berkeley High School—by logical extension—the infected abscesses spewing pus into the world at large with every class they graduate.
There, I’m done. I’ve been itching to get that out of my system for a long time and feel much better now, thank you.
The metaphor gives you a feel for the environment in which this bogus hate crime was perpetrated and therefore a grasp on why people were stupid enough to fall for it. Although it suddenly occurs to me the same point could be made by simply saying, “Berkeley is a very liberal city, full of liberal people,” leaving the stupid part implied.
On November 4, 2015, a student at Berkeley High School left something on a school library computer that looked like the KKK was in town and planning to lynch somebody on December 9. In a place populated by people with common sense, like say Michigan or Nebraska, or pretty much any other place in the world except Berkeley, the librarian would have gone, “Tsk tsk!” and shut the computer off, thinking no more about it. But remember the metaphor. Remember the little city full of stupid liberals.
The whole town went apeshit. The next day, the fifteen hundred students of Berkeley High School marched out of the school in protest, shouting that they didn’t feel safe. That’s not super surprising. Kids are always looking for a reason to get out of school. It’s up to the adults to make sure they don’t, right?
In Berkeley, the adults marched with them. That’s the principal of the high school in the photo at the top of this column, marching with the students. Teachers were out there, too. They thought it was great because students were learning to... okay, I’m not real clear on what they thought students were learning but they thought the protest was cool beans, man.
Never mind that the principal had to know, even as he was walking out the door to join the protest, that the librarian saw the student who was sitting at that computer, and never mind that he had to know they were tracking him down digitally, and never mind that the very notion that the KKK was—a, in Berkeley; b, planning to lynch somebody on December 9; and c, announcing that fact on an Internet web site—was absurd. Never mind all that.
The principal and teachers at Berkeley High School are clearly not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier. Now you know where the infection comes from that causes the abscess. The kids are just kids—they could probably be saved if their educators weren’t morons.
By the time the Berkeley High students (and faculty) were done marching that day, the school already knew who the student was who’d left the racist KKK crap on the library computer but it took them more than a week to finally admit—quietly, with much hand wringing about the student’s privacy—that the student was, in fact, a person of color.
We knew that all along, didn’t we?
11/4/15 - Berkeleyside - Racist threats posted on Berkeley High library computer
11/5/15 - NBC Bay Area - Berkeley High Students Walk Out to Protest Racist Messages on Library Computer
11/6/15 - Washington Post - Berkeley High student admits to posting racist message that prompted protest
11/6/15 - Los Angeles Times - KKK lynching message on Berkeley High School computer traced to student
11/6/15 - Washington Times - Berkeley High won't reveal race of student in possible hate-crime hoax
11/9/15 - The Daily Californian - Berkeley High student responsible for hostile image to face disciplinary action
11/10/15 - American Thinker - White Racism at Mizzou and Berkeley: Racial Hoaxes of the Week
11/11/15 - Daily Wire - The Top 10 False Claims of Racism on Campus
11/12/15 - Berkeleyside - BHS student to be disciplined after racist statement
Posted from Rockford, Michigan, USA
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