Austin “Exclusively for White People” stickers
March 18, 2015

You can imagine the hullabaloo. And right in the middle of the city’s annual South by Southwest film and music festival, too! How embarrassing!
Never mind the contradiction of the two statements on the sticker. How can a business be “exclusively for white people” but allow “5 colored customers” at the same time? One thing you learn from this website is that expending too much thought on serious analysis of the morons who perpetrate hate crime hoaxes is hard on your brain. Permanent damage is possible. Don’t do it.
The city released a statement assuring people the stickers were not authorized by the city. The mayor released his own separate statement because there’s nothing politicians love more than courageously adopting a difficult public position like “I’m against racism.”
“This is an appalling and offensive display of ignorance in our city,” said the mayor in his courageous statement. “Austin condemns this type of hurtful behavior. Our city is a place where respect for all people is a part of our spirit and soul. We will keep it that way.”
Wow, revolutionary thinking, way ahead of his time, yada yada, etc.
Then the city manager got in on the act, releasing his own statement, too, because... well, you know, he might want to run for office someday himself: “This is an affront to who we are as a City and who we are as a community. This type of cowardly and hateful act will not be tolerated in this city.”
The deepness! the profundity! the wisdom of the man!
Even a state congresscritter got involved, making sure her constituents knew she was against those doggone racist stickers. Brave woman.
Makes you wonder just how stupid the public officials in Austin, Texas, really are, because who could possibly be gullible enough to believe that a bunch of otherwise-intelligent businessmen in one of the most liberal cities in America suddenly one night decided to join the Ku Klux Klan and revert to 1950-Mississippi segregated business practices?
Two days after the stickers showed up, someone noticed a shirtless rant on YouTube by a local, Hispanic, cuckoo-for-Cocoa-Puffs lawyer named Adam Reposa, who said he put up the stickers to make a point: that gentrification of East Austin was driving Hispanic and black residents out—too many white people were moving in.
So in a way the stickers really were a racist hate crime, against white people. Which doesn’t count, sorry.
3/18/15 - The Daily Texan - Mayor Steve Adler condemns stickers declaring businesses 'exclusively for white people'
3/20/15 - The Source - “Whites Only” Sticker Seen On Doors Of Various Businesses During SXSW
3/20/15 - Raw Story - Austin attorney claims responsibility for ‘white people’ stickers in bizarre shirtless rants
3/20/15 - KXAN NBC - Austin lawyer Adam Reposa says he put up ‘white people’ stickers
3/22/15 - IHateTheMedia - Austin “EXCLUSIVELY FOR WHITE PEOPLE” stickers placed by Hispanic lawyer
Posted from Rockford, Michigan, USA
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